


Prior to 1940s most of pharmaceuticals consisted of plant-based products, and this turning point in the worldwide pharmaceutical industry coincides with a willingness – even urgency – to look back upon plants in their natural essence as a basis for medicinal products. The use of plant-derived drugs has become more widespread, so there is a great need to develop an up-to-date base of referenceable plant specific information about botanicals demonstrating medicinal value.

Vitreon America™ went to the source, James A. Duke, PhD. Dr. Duke passed in 2017 but he was an American botanist, known for his numerous publications on botanical medicine. He developed the Phytochemical and Ethnobotanical Databases at the USDA. Since his retirement in 1995, Dr. Duke and his team of botanical experts and database managers have painstakingly built the largest series of databases on botanicals ever assembled in the World. Vitreon America™ has partnered with Dr. Duke and his company to reformat and upgrade his processes and buildout enhanced cross-referencing capabilities, enabling continuous updating, and to provide access to this new product as a service. We call this new database service the Vitreon America Botanicopeia™.

The Botanicopeia’s database includes 7,700+ entries with detailed information including:

  • Common Names
  • Phytochemicals
  • Indications
  • Activities
  • Dosages
  • Evidence-based ingredient: Laboratory Testing and Effect Validation


The Botanicopeia is available to be used for client projects such as:

  • Private Investment
  • Academic Institutions
  • Commercial Company Internal Assessment
  • Government Funding Sources


In addition, analysts at Vitreon America can provide you or your organization with customized reports such as:

  • Quarterly updates
  • Potential alternative plant sourcing
  • Activities that could be developed for clinical research assessment
  • Botanicals and plant-derived drugs commercialized for a specific plant source

About Vitreon America™

Vitreon AmericaTM was formed with the goal of disseminating their BotanicopeiaTM database to encourage the increased use of botanicals and phytochemicals in the creation of new medicines.

Contact Vitreon America, Inc.

Vitreon America Botanical Research Center @ Hopkins Johns Hopkins University

MCC 9601 Medical Center Drive, Suite 221
Rockville, Maryland 20850
